Michele LaBree Daniels
Candidate for Maine State Senate District 10

About Michele


I grew up in Bradley and Bangor. Along with my husband, Tim, we have resided in Brewer for over 30 years. We share three children, who all graduate from Brewer, and two wonderful granddaughters.

Working, from a early age, for a family business taught me management and organizational skills. The majority of my work experience is with a large Telecommunication Company and as an Union Steward for CWA local 1400. I believe in Volunteerism. I served on many boards and committees for the City of Brewer, as well as volunteering at the Maine Summer Special Olympics through the Telephone Pioneers as a life member. I coached PAL Softball, Brewer Youth Wrestling and was the Brewer Little League Player Agent. It is an honor to serve the people of Brewer as a City Councilor and former two-term Mayor. I'm now determined to pursue my public service by running for the Maine Senate. With my background in local government and community advocacy, I'm committed to representing the voices and concerns of all members of our community in the Maine Senate.

On the Issues


All Mainers deserve affordable, quality healthcare. As your senator, I will advocate for legislation designed to bring down prescription drug prices, bolster healthcare infrastructure, and reduce barriers to healthcare access.

Property Tax Relief

While funding for education, road maintenance, and other public services is essential, I believe we need to find more creative ways to balance funding strategies. As your senator, I will advocate for improved revenue sharing to ensure no Mainer is taxed out of their home.

Quality Careers

Whether pursuing a two/four year college education or certification in the trades, all Mainers should have the opportunity to achieve career success.

Collaboration and Compromise

No matter what side of the aisle we sit on, we all share a common goal - to ensure that everyone in our state has the opportunity to thrive. I believe in the power of collaboration and finding common ground and will remain committed to working with all colleagues, regardless of political affiliation, to ensure we are supporting Mainers across the entire state.

Support Our First Responders

Supporting first responders means providing adequate pay, training, and mental health support needed to carry out their roles effectively. Recognizing their sacrifices and ensuring their safety and well-being is crucial if we wish to recruit and retain these essential workers.


Honoring the sacrifices of our veterans is of utmost importance. As your senator, I will work to advance legislation that will improve healthcare and rehabilitation services, as well as support veterans in need of career and employment assistance.

Senate District 10 includes

Bucksport, Dedham, Otis, Bradley, Brewer, Carmel, Clifton, Eddington, Hampden, Holden, Newburgh, and Orrington.


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